We missed our chance to take the necessary conservation steps some 10 years ago, during the last energy crisis.
Little was known about Mayo's past; he had come from far away, and no member of his family stepped forward during the investigation.
As the Jets' head coach, he will be stepping onto a football field during a game for the first time in seven years.
Foster found himself on the mend after a serious heart attack and stepped back from political life during the middle 1930s.
People who love the game that much do not step away for a few years twice during their career.
In the truest sense of that word, he will never step outside the Circle during his whole life.
"It was when you stepped on my foot during practice."
I just wanted to be sure that you hadn't stepped over the boundary line during my absence.
You step on and off the platform during your workout.
A young boy stepped forward during my test drive and asked the name of the red truck.