Dionysius stepped from the shadow of a tree trunk, sword in hand.
A detective named Bernstein stepped into the hall, coffee cup in hand, started forward, returned to the squad room.
Ranger cautiously stepped into the doorway, gun in hand.
Meera stepped between the wolf and her brother, spear in hand.
Alucius stepped into the Table depression, rifle again in hand, taking several deep breaths.
Santa Claus stepped around the corner with his big silver box in hand, and beamed at her out of mad eyes.
Then Rayvan stepped from the building with sword in hand.
They stepped over the door and into the lab, guns in hand, but there was no one coming to meet them.
A man stepped from the shelter of an ornamental fountain, bow in hand.
A short, rotund woman with cinnamon skin and deep black hair stepped from the kitchen, dishcloth in hand.