The boy stepped shyly forward as Kathryn gave him a big smile of encouragement.
Quies gestured, and a thin black-haired youth stepped shyly forward.
The larger white gryphon nudged it forward, but it shyly stepped back beneath her again.
A slim brown haired young woman dressed in riding clothes like Esme's stepped shyly forward.
The performers seemed awe-struck, even star-struck, as they gathered around, some shyly stepping forward to introduce themselves in character.
Ezri tousled the boy's hair affectionately as she nudged Locke further into the cabin, and the boy stepped away shyly.
Gregory stepped forward shyly, and knelt by Phagia.
I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing.
Oladahn, the little son of a giantess of the Bulgar Mountains, stepped shyly forward.
Only two children shyly stepped forward to participate, crouching by the wheelchairs to describe the animals' myriad charms.