Your step-by-step plan to beating back that virus before it beats you.
The Promise provides a step-by-step plan of preparation for college.
After choosing a solution, a step-by-step plan of action is worked out.
It's an approach reminiscent of that found in books with step-by-step plans for building a better body or a bigger bank account.
This step-by-step plan can get you started on your own exercise program for fibromyalgia.
Practice your step-by-step plan alone, and get comfortable with it.
The group, known as the quartet, devised the step-by-step plan to end violence and establish a Palestinian state in three years.
The proposal to set up an international peace force is therefore a much-needed addition to the step-by-step plan.
The implementation of the international step-by-step plan appears a long way off, so the European Union should act.
We have to trust in a step-by-step plan for this.