In three earlier eras, Dr. Stein said, earthquakes migrated in step-wise fashion from east to west.
A hierarchy is developed by decomposing a macroscopic statement of function in a step-wise fashion until programming language statements are reached.
Temperature is sometimes increased in a step-wise fashion to control the rate of curing and prevent excessive heat build-up from the exothermic reaction.
Mr. Pacchiana said blasting would be done in an orderly, step-wise fashion, "going up 40 to 50 feet, over 40 to 50 feet," and then up again.
Normally, through a process called fatty acid oxidation, several enzymes work in a step-wise fashion to metabolize fats and convert them to energy.
Symptoms usually begin abruptly and progress in a step-wise fashion with repeated strokes.
By switching in different zeners, diodes, or resistors, the output voltage can be adjusted in a step-wise fashion.
Meanwhile in Teotihuacan, architecture made great advances: in this city the Classic style was defined by the construction of pyramidal bases that sloped upward in a step-wise fashion.
He took a leap, when science should proceed in a step-wise fashion.
The best way to view the mechanism of action by which fluorine breaks down bones and causes skeletal fluorosis is in a step-wise fashion.