This tray contains the sterile equipment needed to place sutures (stitches) in a patient with a laceration.
Don't leave any of your dead behind, use all the sterile equipment that you can.
Some agencies, however, make a point of providing their agents with "sterile" equipment obtained commercially from third countries.
Medical facilities are poor in Guinea, with equipment basic and often not sterile.
A second area inside resembles an examining room, with stainless-steel countertops and sterile equipment.
This can be achieved by ensuring that only sterile equipment and fluids are used during invasive medical and nursing procedures.
Only sterile equipment should be used for tattooing or body piercing.
Drug injectors who continue to share syringes should not be encouraged to clean used equipment but to ensure a regular and reliable source of sterile equipment.
Some countries in Eastern Europe and the developing world lack rigorous systems to ensure uncontaminated blood and sterile medical equipment.
However, if sterile or individual equipment is not available, the next best thing is to clean equipment using disinfectant.