The wound may also be flushed out with a sterile solution to remove as much debris as possible.
Outside the tubes is a sterile solution made up of water, sugars and other components.
It is available as sterile solution for topical use in 1:55 dilution.
Social isolation, self-exile, were sterile solutions after all.
A sterile solution containing superoxide dismutase is sometimes applied directly to the eyes for treating ulcers on the cornea.
When drawing blood from cultures use a sterile solution such as Betadine rather than alcohol.
Clean your contact lens case after each use with either sterile solution or hot tap water and let air dry.
The area is then cleaned with a sterile solution that contains antibiotics.
Gillian knew well enough how to cope, but coping was a sterile solution.
Each filled with a sterile solution and each containing a naked human torso.