In the investigation, clinics that refused to perform the abortions cited such factors as lack of appropriate sterilization equipment and inexperience in treating patients infected with the virus.
Two companies that make surgical sterilization equipment agreed to merge yesterday, but the value of the deal plunged in later trading.
They're full of Vibrio... I'll have to sacrifice them here before they take away the sterilization equipment and the incinerator.
In addition, they cited poor sanitary conditions, broken sterilization equipment, the reuse of needles and shortages of disposable syringes.
The facilities offered two excuses: a lack of sterilization equipment and inexperience with HIV-positive patients.
X-ray machines, some types of sterilization equipment and nuclear power plants all use nuclear radiation - but so do nuclear weapons.
There would be nothing to compel artists to use costly sterilization equipment, no inspections of facilities and no classes in sterile techniques.
Make sure the studio has sterilization equipment to clean instruments after each use.
Because of shortages, medical workers are forced to re-use syringes and needles, and they lack sterilization equipment.
In 2010, the Ministry of Health passed a decree stating all clinics in Uzbekistan should have sterilization equipment ready for use.