I was one among those of his youthful comrades who could best accommodate themselves to his stern character.
Cynthia, Donna, and Kathy radiated wholesome beauty and hinted at stern character.
The general remark is, 'Oh, it cannot be expected that one of so stern a character as M. Villefort could lavish the tenderness some fathers do on their daughters.
Ms. Moore uses that high wavering voice that signals insecurity for a more stern character, and it works.
I dug stern character.
Winnie was waiting there-to Joan's annoyance as she thought it possible that Jake's stern character might slip if the upper house was quiet.
Radio Raheem, a burly, almost burlesquely stern character, carries around a ghetto blaster and is himself virtually mute.
Have you ever seen a widow with stern character keep her family together by behaving as if the head of the family had simply stepped out and would return at any moment?
Coming from so stern a character, these words really mean something, and get right to the reason why "Blind Faith" is a father-son tragedy in the end.
The stern character of Jewish monotheism prevented the rise of hero-worship, without which real epic poetry is impossible.