Shouldn't we take a sterner view of politicians than that?
It is not clear, however, that we should take so stern a view of their private sins.
Environmentalists took a sterner view, however, particularly concerning the water violation.
Every house was searched, usually with permission of the owner, but often enough without, because the local judges took a stern view of kidnapping.
The National League office did not take a stern view of the incident.
He had an especially stern view of the Japanese threat to American high technology.
I was happy the state was taking such a stern view of driving and drinking.
Beit El's settlers gave voice to a much sterner view, planning construction as they see fit.
Of them, some 1.5 million signed a petition last fall urging the Pope to relax his stern views on women and sexuality.
Ortnahme adjusted his main screen so that the panorama's stern view was central rather than being split between the two edges.