She would rather be alone than in the company of the stern woman.
He took a deep breath and stared for a moment at the photograph of the stern woman; it seemed to calm him down, very slightly.
It was a stern woman with the lamp, coming from another chamber in the boat.
Oddly, this stern woman almost seemed to be asking the policewoman for understanding.
Her roles have shifted from that of the temptress to more stern middle-aged women.
What scenes and actors the stern woman most reviewed, as she sat from season to season in her one dark room, none knew but herself.
She did it from a sense of duty, but she was a stern woman who expected respect, rather than love.
She finally understands that this kind, stern woman is paid to lie.
She is a harsh, stern woman, who intimidates most members of the town.
She is depicted as a stern woman, although with a penchant for keeping a love diary.