Just then a tall, stern-looking black man came into the room.
A group of stern-looking middle-aged men in standard Western business suits came in, accompanied by aloof women.
There was a stern-looking man behind a desk, and a much older, very wrinkled man in a chair, and three others.
A very tall, stern-looking man frowned down at her.
A stern-looking gray-haired man at the front end of the section said, "That's not a half bad idea, actually."
"Excuse me," said somebody, and the three children looked up to see a stern-looking man peering down at them from behind some very large sunglasses.
Zachary asked as he sat across from me in a darkened comer under an old photo of a stern-looking man in a black top hat.
Roger Hudson was a stern-looking man in his late fifties, with cold gray eyes and a wary smile.
Since he had become blind he had become a very stern-looking, silent man.
"You're in the wrong place," she told the two stern-looking men.