It is best heard over the left sternal border with rumbling character and tricuspid opening snap with wide splitting S2.
The classic sign of pericarditis is a friction rub auscultated on the cardiovascular examination usually on the lower left sternal border.
Symptoms are holosystolic, heard best at left lower sternal border.
One location is through the 5th or 6th intercostal space at the left sternal border at the cardiac notch of the left lung.
Such a murmur is usually of low frequency and best heard low on the lower left sternal border.
A third heart sound may also be present, also heard best with inspiration at the left lower sternal border.
Parasternal heave may be felt along the left lower sternal border as well.
A right-sided S3 is best heard at the lower-left sternal border.
Heaves are best felt with the heel of the hand at the sternal border.
A decrescendo murmur can sometimes be identified early in diastole, heard best over the left lower sternal border.