The steward came in and began to distribute the ash-trays.
The steward began to refill the glasses.
Around 00:15, the stewards began ordering the passengers to put on their lifebelts, though again, many passengers took the order as a joke.
The stewards disposed of the debris of the last meal, and began to get ready for the next.
In the aisle below us, stewards began signalling and shouting to the audience above them like auctioneers.
In a few moments ... The stewards began the cheering, turning to encourage the others standing about them.
The steward rushed in and began pushing roughly at the waiters.
"The stewards began the film meeting," Baeza said.
But then the steward reappeared and began to serve the meal proper, which banished such mundane concerns quite handily.
The stiffened steward had just begun to turn about, when a human avalanche struck him.