Odd, thought Sulla when the steward informed him that the mistress's nephew was in the study, how he collected Gaviuses.
Geraldine suspects she is part of an assassination conspiracy against the prince when a steward informs them her cabin was unoccupied for the voyage.
The steward then appears through a sliding panel and informs George; "I wouldn't have any more if I were you sir!"
In her cabin, a steward informed her that her mother had gone on deck.
My steward will inform those of you whose services are required.
And now that the manor had just been granted, the steward had informed the new lord that he had a troublesome tenant.
Last week the steward had gone down to see Gilpatrick's brother and calmly informed him, "The new lord will be coming here shortly.
A steward informed him that "it was the airline's policy that only women were allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children".
A steward tapped the scientist on the shoulder and informed him that a call was waiting in the videobooth outside the recreation deck.
The steward covered him with a blanket and informed the guard at the end of the passageway not to disturb him.