Information on "stewardship responsibilities" will aid in these determinations.
Reporting on this stewardship responsibility may be accomplished in a stewardship section in the consolidated financial report of the Federal Government.
The external assessors would have responsibility for reporting their opinion of whether a board of directors had fulfilled for stewardship responsibilities outlined in the first proposal listed here.
Often C.E.O.'s believe they have a stewardship responsibility to employees, and indeed to other stakeholders including customers and communities.
He told Charlie Rose that "we are going to go through a lot of pain and heartache if we don't acknowledge our stewardship responsibilities to nature."
Since Reagan's rise to the presidency, the college continues to build on its stewardship responsibility for the legacy of the relationship he had with Eureka College.
You get a core group that cares about one watershed and they develop a stewardship responsibility.
It helps to ensure that NASA meets its federal stewardship responsibilities for the environment.
Oterel was delighted to have Groghe share both his room and his duties, for he already had stewardship responsibilities, which went more swiftly with help.
To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.