Ratatouille is a traditional dish of stewed vegetables, which originated in Nice.
The serving maid chose that moment to return with a tray holding six plates of stewed vegetables, tainted with only the smallest trace of mutton.
On the same tray as the rice pot was a dish of stewed vegetables with bits of meat, some pickles and miso soup.
They were slicing joints and ladling stewed vegetables onto plates.
Here it is made with a light, tomato-based broth with stewed vegetables and Middle Eastern spices.
The breeze tonight brings the rattle of a pachinko parlor, the smell of stewed vegetables from the push- carts across the road.
Dipped into stewed vegetables, morsels of seafood or fish, even a simple peanut sauce, the fragrant flatbreads of Malaysia are heartwarming and comforting.
The bread, what little there was of it, was raw and gooey inside, burned outside; the stewed vegetables had been near to rotten going into the soup.
What would be the use of saving yourself from drowning only to be served with stewed vegetables for a cannibal's dinner?
The temperature drops quickly along with the sun and we are back at camp huddled by the fire eating our stewed vegetables, rice and chapatis.