Territorial male stickleback fish would attack wooden floats with red undersides-attacking them more vigorously than invading male sticklebacks if the underside were redder.
Tinbergen found that territorial male stickleback fish would attack a wooden fish model more vigorously than a real male if its underside was redder.
Recent work has investigated the role of enhancers in morphological changes in threespine stickleback fish.
"One of the most convincing is the case of stickleback fish."
Pink Lake also has a desalinized variant of the three-spined stickleback fish.
Validity of Pungitius hellenicus, a stickleback fish from Greece.
Recently, the proteins transcribed across the whole genome (the transcriptome) of stickleback fish were compared in two different tests: exposed or not exposed to predators.
One experiment displayed this violation of IFD in stickleback fish.
Replies: Researchers have found that humans and stickleback fish use the same gene to control skin color.