When the novel jump-cuts ahead to London, 1966, Billy is busy forging a career as a stickup man.
All three stickup men were somehow very familiar to each person in the room.
God help the out-of-town stickup man who came to Gary to pull a job.
My wife and I went under the table, from where I saw three stickup men, all with guns.
To advise moderation is like going to a stickup man and saying to him, 'Don't use a gun.
It was a working class white area infamous for producing Irish gangsters and low-rent stickup men who specialized in armored car robberies.
I'm merely saying a stickup man named Restell shot a woman to death during a holdup, and in turn he was shot to death.
Remember that bit with the stickup man?
The classic illustration was the sketch in which a stickup man confronts the notorious penny pincher and demands, "Your money or your life."
The earliest involved events like the 1959 shootout in which Detective Biaggi killed a stickup man while a bullet whizzed through his own coat collar.