Barnegat herself had to try to recover her drifting men, since the stiff gale precluded the lowering of a boat.
I can stand here and light my pipe in the stiffest gale, without any trouble.
He stood by habit as though he were leaning into a stiff gale.
The Leda-class stood to their canvas well and liked a stiff gale, but were prone to excessive pitching in very heavy seas.
Much to Herbert's delight, they predicted a stiff gale, and probably a storm.
At noon the wind had freshened into a two-reef breeze, and by night into a stiff gale, accompanied with a tremendously heavy swell.
The image shimmered, the wall's deformations undergoing constant and rapid change, fluttering and rippling like a flag in a stiff gale.
The stiff gale off the mountain today was Meg Mallon.
Instead, like a tightrope walker facing a stiff gale, Chrysler's ability to keep moving forward is being sorely tested.
Forty miles per hour would be a stiff gale on Earth, Jamie knew.