While Jagger spoke, Richards did an impression of Sullivan's stiff demeanor.
Brondt stood in place, one hand in his pocket, his demeanor singularly stiff for one usually so unruffled.
Publicly, Mr. Tagliabue displays a reserved, even stiff, demeanor.
Willingham's stiff demeanor resulted in a somewhat acrimonious relationship with fans, boosters, and the Seattle media.
Their stiff demeanor suggests mutual surprise (misery doesn't love company?)
From his stiff demeanor, as well as from the high black headgear that added a foot to his stature, I recognized him as the soothsayer.
Still, the stifled enthusiasm and the stiff demeanor of most of the performers lent an air of restraint where some good old-fashioned operatic excess was perhaps in order.
He is still enormously popular at home, but abroad his stiff and formal demeanor have denied him the celebrity status enjoyed by his archrival, Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
He was dressed in a dark tailored suit, shirt and tie, and despite the heady fumes of victory he maintained a stiff demeanor.
A coach recognized for his stiff demeanor has shown some flexibility.