In the last year some of the nation's stiffest laws against racial and religious harassment have been passed in Idaho.
It is the first securities firm to have officers charged with violating the Government's stiff anti-racketeering laws.
The reversal heartened critics of Florida's stiff juvenile-offender laws, who said locking up a child for life was itself a crime.
At the time, evangelical leaders formed groups, raised money and drew significant support in an effort to establish stiff laws against abortion.
France has passed a stiff new law that threatens penalties of up to life in prison for some religious or racially motivated crimes.
If that's proven true, the stiffer laws the village is considering could ultimately be the building's salvation, he said.
Whether stiffer laws will help keep the Forster House standing is unclear.
Many also favor stiff new laws that would curb imported goods, which they say are taking away American jobs.
And almost without exception, they have become impassioned proponents of stiff gun-control laws.
However, there are stiff laws against pre-arranging futures trades because of past abuses.