An older man with thick silver hair and a stiff brown suit sat behind the room's only desk.
As Chen puts it, "He's not some stiff suit walking in here."
He struggled to move inside his stiff suit.
A woman wearing a stiff black tailored suit manned the reception desk.
Men in stiff suits hand out pocket-sized doomsday scenarios ("The end is near!
Young men do not dress like my father did, in a stiff suit and shirt.
Those stiff suits and caps aren't ideal for a woman.
Hence, the stiff, bulky suit that Jiterica had endured almost every moment of every day.
Sisko moved cautiously to the side of the opening, then peered down, awkward in his stiff suit.
For the preceding 20 years, this conservative man was only seen in public with either a stiff suit and tie or safari suit.