That would require Japan, for example, to accept the need to replace its prohibition on rice imports with stiff tariffs.
After decades of heavy state control, the economy is reeling from low productivity, a flood of shoddy goods and stiff tariffs that eliminate competition.
The authorities here said it was highly unlikely that the stiff tariffs threatened today would ever be imposed.
The Stamp Act of 1765 set stiff tariffs on virtually every kind of printed matter from newspapers and legal documents to playing cards.
On the other side is the president's chief political adviser, Karl Rove, who advocates stiff tariffs to protect steelmaking jobs.
Chrysler announced that this was necessary to avoid a stiff tariff, but that was only part of the story.
The four-door sedan listed for $7,435, a rather stiff tariff by Chevrolet standards.
Indeed, they say the pact would increase jobs in the United States, because goods produced here would no longer face such a stiff tariff.
Big companies like Legend must pay China's stiff tariffs on such imports, 15 percent for components and 25 percent for computers.
As a result, stiff tariffs were placed on Japanese color television sets and other consumer goods.