Then he turned and walked his stiff-legged walk back into the cabin.
She kept right on going, at a fast, stiff-legged walk.
That spark which in turn, seemed to hate her... With evening, she took her walk, stiff-legged and slow, around the upper promenade.
Wraith took a moment to consider his options, then started forward in that familiar, stiff-legged walk.
The elemental pushed itself up from the snow and slowly came forward in its stiff-legged walk.
"Guess I'm ready," she said, practicing the stiff-legged walk required by de Silva's sword.
The dog made no sound, but Zach noticed his stiff-legged walk and the warning in his eyes.
Query began a seizing, stiff-legged walk around the prosecution's table to the door.
Watch the animals roam the hillsides, and keep an eye out for males moving in a stiff-legged walk.
Glennys and the vagrant ordered their dogs out of the stiff-legged circling walk that came before a fight.