This disciplinary effect of free movement can also set in motion factors which reduce production costs and stimulate improvements in the non-price characteristics of goods and services.
Campomanes, on a more practical level, saw that the Societies could stimulate improvements in agriculture, husbandry, industry, the professions and arts.
However, the longer term benefit may be to stimulate improvements in efficiency and quality.
We expect to stimulate significant improvements in NHS performance, particularly on waiting times, as a result.
Some coaches advocate training at a combination of specific paces related to one's fitness in order to stimulate various physiological improvements.
A source of foreign exchange is also introduced to the economy and it offers a potential basis for industrial development, and thus stimulates improvements within Botswana's infrastructure.
Despite resistance by many bureaucrats and administrators, City Hall has stimulated improvements: Some 2,500 nonteaching positions have been cut.
It will certainly stimulate improvements to the transcaucasian transport and energy networks, in which Azerbaijan is heavily involved.
To the Editor: A Feb. 5 news article reports Energy Department plans to stimulate improvements in the fuel efficiency of light and heavy trucks.
Over the years, Bhilai Steel Plant developed an organizational culture that forces its commitment to values and stimulates continuous improvements and higher levels of performance.