Martin Amis wrote that "Ed Husain has written a persuasive and stimulating book."
These two valuable and stimulating books bring us to a brutal question.
"The Society of Mind" is an ingenious and stimulating book, repetitive at times to be sure, but leaping from thought to thought with admirable agility.
David Boaz has written a more stimulating, more consistent, and more dogmatic book.
To my mind, it's a very stimulating book, a very interesting book, and when you've finished reading it, you at least know what the mathematicians are doing and why.
Nevertheless, this remains a useful and stimulating book that captures the feel of several important hackish subcultures.
In fact, this is one of the most original and stimulating books about Israel and Zionism for a long time.
Brown, who teaches history at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, describes his intelligent and stimulating book as "an extended conversation with the formal writings of Richard Hofstadter."
"This is one of the most original and stimulating books about Israel and Zionism for a long time," Geoffrey Wheatcroft said here last year.
In a very stimulating book, Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, Ian Hodder and Clive Orton have assembled many of the ideas and techniques for examining settlement patterns.