The intervening years have done little, if anything, to dull his stinging critiques, and his critics have multiplied.
What starts out apparently as an affectionate celebration of 19th-century troupers ends up, two and a half hours later, as a rather stinging critique of their irresponsibility.
In the book Al-e-Ahmad developed a "stinging critique of western techonology, and by implication of Western 'civilization' itself".
By some accounts, Floyd I. Clarke, Mr. Sessions's deputy, delivered a stinging face-to-face critique of the Director's conduct.
The author carries out a stinging critique of celebrity charity work and corporate philanthropy.
Such theory, he warned, would become a self-fulfilling prophecy, a particularly stinging critique of the output of a majority of his colleagues in business schools that made him controversial.
Because George Steinbrenner, the team's principal owner, offered a stinging critique of the Yankees on Sunday, the usually large crew of reporters was even more bloated.
In summary: it's a lot easier to sit on your chair in Princeton and write stinging critiques than it is to actually fix things as they happen.
Thomas S. Amlie, a civilian official with the Air Force here, wrote a stinging critique of the revolving door several years ago.
Since 1983, when the Government released a stinging critique of the nation's schools, educational reform has been high on corporate America's list of priorities.