In a long and stinging letter, dated March 1, 1967, he wrote, "When the theater manager asks 'Is there a doctor in the house?'
The composer attacked his old friend with a stinging letter of rebuke.
But that same day, Justice Murphy sent a stinging letter to the chairman of a panel that screens judicial applications for the Governor.
Lawrence, breaking with Russell over political matters, wrote him a furious, caustic, stinging letter that left Russell in a suicidal frame of mind.
Moscow newspapers received a number of stinging letters from readers suggesting that the authorities' reliance on force had needlessly endangered innocent lives.
On Thursday he sent a stinging letter to the President describing the peace plan as a "short-term, piecemeal approach."
But even he used to sign his most sarcastic, stinging letters to critics like Representative Charles B. Rangel, "All the best."
She wrote Mr. D'Amato a stinging private letter threatening to attack him, and he took it off the air.
The writing of these stinging letters made Mark Twain feel better.
One of the first to respond to Semmelweis's 1848 communications was James Young Simpson who wrote a stinging letter.