Although the issue has stirred animosity between adults, said Corrine Grondahl, a South Orange artist who has taken an interest in Miss Tawana's battle, "the children of the neighborhood see only the hope and the dream that the ark represents."
Most travel in groups organized by Japanese tour operators, many of whom steer them to stores owned by Japanese companies, a pattern that has stirred much animosity among local merchants here and in Los Angeles.
"Distorting the facts is counterproductive, and rhetoric that stirs animosity and hate is not good for the city."
P. Ghica was subsequently the gossip columnist at Românul and Telegraful, stirring much animosity with his scathing remarks aimed at the conservative establishment.
But none stirred animosity more than William Koch's team, America , which went on to successfully defend the America's Cup against Italy, 4-1.
Her own grandfather might have disowned her, and Malwa provocateurs might have stirred up much animosity toward the refugees who had poured into the kingdom, but many of her mother's people had not forgotten that Shakuntala was a daughter of Kerala herself.
As Superintendent of Schools in Galloway, from 1978 to 1984, he drove his teaching staff hard and stirred animosity by privatizing school custodial services, a move the township has since rescinded.
Recently, however, in an action that has stirred animosity among many Pennington-Grimes parents, the school board voted along racial lines to reject Mr. Albano's bid for principal.
The terrorists seek to stir wider hatred and animosity and undermine not only the secular democracy, which has been part of our legacy to India and India's great strength and example, but also the hopeful signs of rapprochement, which have been seen recently between India and Pakistan.