The move stirred fears that it could result in the loss of half the jobs at the 3,700-person plant.
When news of the sexual attacks filtered through the area, however, it stirred deep fears.
Farmers also stayed away from the city, stirring fears of food shortages.
Was it a conspiracy of Pakistani intelligence agents to stir fear?
But the committee's draft had, in turn, stirred fears that the church was moving toward a form of dogmatism.
That prospect stirred fear and alarm among those who had bought the new houses, priced at $400,000 to $500,000.
The bold assault stirred fears and a flurry of rumors.
But the deeply poisoned atmosphere has stirred fears that violence could mar the meeting next month.
The revised figures stirred fears of inflation and of higher interest rates.
He could feel her heart pounding, pounding under his hand now as the heat between him and Lucian stirred fear.