With Tokdo stirring nationalist sentiments, the goal was met in 10 days.
These events further stirred popular sentiment against the Goths.
It is possible that party and military officials will choose to prolong debate to stir nationalist sentiment at home and keep pressure on Taiwan.
Resistance Amid Interest The "officer in residence" program has stirred similar sentiments.
Worse, it would destabilize Iraq and stir anti-American sentiment around the world, making the West far less safe.
Mr. Abe made his political career by championing the abduction issue, which critics say he has exploited to stir nationalist sentiments.
Although the government officially recognized the deals as legitimate "high-risk, high-gain" investments, their big profit margins have stirred nationalistic sentiment.
Such suggestions stir mixed sentiments.
He once angered architects by criticizing their contribution to London's modern skyline, and his attacks on the way Britain is run have stirred antiroyal sentiments.
Slota is frequently criticized for arrogance, nationalism, and extremism and being "a xenophobic politician who has stirred anti-Hungarian sentiments."