Other factors, including stochastic events and other genes, affect the amount of unpigmented skin and hair in the fully developed animal.
They are spontaneous and stochastic events which cannot be eliminated by intentional efforts (although some control over the alternation process is learnable).
Further, models may have to cope with the natural intrinsic variability of the system (aleatory), such as the occurrence of stochastic events.
The newly-discovered population is also most rare and might go extinct due to stochastic events.
While ultimately qualitative, it seems to offer a method for coping with different types of process and incorporating stochastic and truly random events.
Rare species are generally considered threatened because a small population size is more likely to not recover from stochastic events (things that could happen).
The tendency of water to flow downhill isn't a stochastic event either: it's a function of gravitational attraction, which we hold to be a constant.
Babbler groups are more susceptible to stochastic events leading to local extinction from a fragment.
A transaction is a genuinely stochastic event, and therefore does not obey a deterministic equation.
The possible nature of these stochastic events was previously discussed [ 42 ] .