The company's stock dropped in price by 9.8 percent and lost more than $1.5 billion of its market value.
Its stock has dropped more than 6 percent this week.
When his stock would drop $10 in a few days, guess what he was watching?
But its stock dropped 5.11 percent on concern about the rest of the year.
If the June numbers are lower than last year, as expected, the stock could drop again.
During the week its stock dropped 16% in one day on June 9 to 29.03 - a 14-year low.
Her stock had dropped from 65 to 39 3/4 in less than a week, she explained.
Yesterday the stock dropped a point to close at 102 5/8.
Its stock dropped more than 44 percent in the quarter.
After the company said it was not on the block, the stock dropped again.