Perhaps its stock holders receive one dollar a share in dividends less than they otherwise would.
The previous stock holders will likely get nothing.
But eventually it leads back to one major stock holder.
Long was the principal stock holder until his death on March 15, 1934, and in a family trust until 1947.
From the 1990s, some of the stocks were returned to the former stock holders.
I'm sure the stock holders are just peachy that there money is being used on frivolous lawsuits instead of innovating.
Last I checked google and Apple were companies that have stock holders and require making money to stay in business.
Other stock holders raised objections, but the technique worked and soon the city financed a free library for the public with a one mill property tax.
The merger is expected to be quite lucrative for stock holders in both companies.
At age thirty-one Mead wanted to create a business that would benefit the entire community, not just the stock holders.