Women would embroider the edges of the garments and often stitch small colorful stone beads on them as well.
The cache consisted of a biface, three projectile points, and one red stone bead.
Children made popular victims, too: they could be bought at markets from neighbouring cities for stone beads, and kept for future sacrifice.
Albanian jewelers made stone beads with magic character besides golden ones.
Cocoa beans, were used for everyday exchange in the pre-classic times however that eventually gave way to the use of standardized stone beads.
One find revealed the remains of a baby, wrapped and buried with a necklace made of stone beads.
She painstakingly arranged stone beads, "to signify fertility, mating and all those good things."
Small turquoise-colored stone beads were present with the bodies.
A large number of semi-precious stone beads were also found here, along with items made of ivory and bone.
The archaeologists further found eight stone beads with the skeleton close to her wrists and neck.