Lord Grey handed his own glasses to Saxon, who leaned his elbows upon the rough stone breastwork and stared long and earnestly at the enemy.
The wood was newly milled but the stone breastworks at either end looked old.
With the help of substantial stone breastworks, the regiment successfully withstood several assaults by the Confederate Army, taking casualties of 15 killed, wounded, or missing.
Naja tore after him, but within three hundred paces his flanks came upon a low stone breastwork that slanted across their front.
He came back towards the stone breastworks where last he had seen Naja at the head of his charge.
He reached the stone breastworks and reined in Krus and Dov.
He also built a stone breastwork along the Pasig riverfront.
There were stone breastworks flanked by block-houses on that part of the ridge where the two trails came together.
Most of the stone breastworks that are currently visible on the hill were constructed by these troops after the fighting stopped.
Bullets fell among the men, and smacked up against the stone breastwork.