The contributing structures include a pumphouse, four chicken houses, five stone cisterns, and a corn crib.
The city had vanished, except fragments of wall and of a great stone cistern on the acropolis.
There was a crossroads marked by a small thatch-roofed shelter whose roof drained into a stone cistern and watering trough.
A young woman was drawing water from a stone cistern served by a tiny stream of clear water by the pond's edge.
A few steps more, and he made it to the side of the above-ground stone cistern.
Some of the tanks were built by constructing embankments and diverting the stored water into stone cisterns.
By the side of it, trickling from the rock, a spring running into a stone cistern.
Three more Medina sandstone steps lead into the large room under the south wing, which has the stone cistern parged with mortar in its western half.
They had surfaced in the center of a huge stone cistern somewhere in a run-down section of the city.
The remains of large Roman stone cisterns were located nearby.