It is crowned by a high gable two-storeys tall, capped with stone finials.
Following the pitch to the top of the gable, he could just make out the gap where a stone finial was missing.
Yes: a stone finial, an arm's stretch away, had sheered off in the frost.
He'd tried before with the seat-belt - perhaps, too, with that stone finial that had come crashing down from the roof?
On the gables are stone finials.
The gable ends are surmounted by ball-shaped, ornamental stone finials retained from the original structure.
It has a round-headed entrance, above which is a small niche containing a statue, and a large carved stone finial.
It is accessible through two brick columns with large pineapple-shaped stone finials on top.
They are topped by the kalasam, a bulbous stone finial.
I continued, reaching the East Wing as the tank lord disappeared among the stone finials of the outside staircase at the wing's far end.