We scarcely see where we're going, and have to guess our way through the routes of this vertical stone maze.
This is an otherworldly fantasy of twisted limestone hundreds of millions of years old, the world's largest natural stone maze.
On and on he staggered through the black stone maze.
The stone maze didn't feel like a place to him; more like the impression of a place, a memory of a location.
There is also a problem with the recent appearance of stone mazes which should be discouraged.
In it, Zhuge Liang is described to be able to perform fantastical achievements such as summoning advantageous winds and devising magical stone mazes.
On the island is also a couple of old stone mazes.
Holding firmly to her holy symbol, the drow slipped into the stone maze and made her way toward the tower.
Around the stone maze of the palace the servants of the kingdom began to wake up.