From a square base, it rises in stages to a double stone crown on an octagonal base, and at the top there are stone pinnacles.
Over Lovett's right shoulder were stone pinnacles more than a thousand feet high, and far below to his left lay the blue Pacific.
Although the chattra was carefully reconstructed, there was too few remains of the original stone pinnacle.
Then he knotted the selendang around a stone pinnacle and began his descent.
If her suspicions were right, then she should be able to see the narrow arch of the causeway that connected this solitary stone pinnacle to the mainland.
The tower's stone pinnacles were replaced with stainless steel caps, rendered in cement, in the same decade.
The lonely little oblong was watched, from atop of a stone pinnacle the shape and temperature of a firebrick, by a chimera.
Work on the North side of the Corona Chapel including conservation to eight stone pinnacles and the staircase tower.
She hit the stone pinnacles and stopped dead in the water, transformed in a single instant from a thing of airy grace to a shambles.
Standing over the stone pinnacle, Alex turned slowly, hands in his pockets, taking in the treeless, rocky plain.