The ruins of the old house are now in the midst of modern farm buildings, which have been built largely of stone salvaged from it.
It was built on a foundation of brick and stone salvaged from rubble left after United States forces sacked the nearby town of Newark in December, 1813.
Many of the houses around Castle Green are built of stone salvaged in the 17th century when the castle walls were slighted after the English Civil War.
The Ice House Plaza, which opened in May of 2012, includes several blocks of stone salvaged from the Metropolitan Building.
In the centre of the town stands the market cross, built c.1490, possibly using stone salvaged from the recently-ruined part of the abbey.
The tower of the church, built in 1526, is from stone salvaged from the demolished Pilgrim Hospital Church.
The Harlequin was built in eleven weeks, using wood, glass, and local stone salvaged from derelict servants' quarters which had occupied the site.
St. Paul the Apostle, with its severe, awkwardly rocky exterior (using stone salvaged from the old Croton Aqueduct), opened in January 1885.
It was hard to tell from so far but the structure looked like a small fortification built of stone salvaged from the rubble of Overlook.
The Castle Hotel stands on the site of the castle itself and is largely built of stone salvaged from the original castle.