And for some distance inside, the stone showed only the marks of its first working.
The stone shows a face that the Slavic population obviously prayed to.
He couldn't even tell if the stones showed a living creature, let alone the head of one, or what kind.
If it had ever been polished, the stone no longer showed any evidence of it.
The stone shows white spots when it is going to be fine weather.
A. If stones show moisture on the inside, then there is a leak and the builder just has not found it.
The stones in the church shows the reconstruction in 1259.
You'd think that that would leave a mark, a huge heavy thing like a tank, but the stone shows nothing.
When they do, the stones show a strange symbol in front of their eyes.
It was built in the round-or perhaps carved would have been a better word, for the stone showed no joins whatever.