Below them, the wide stone tiers of the Hippodrome-which served as seats and stairway combined-sloped down to the racetrack below.
When the dust settled, and the bodies stopped flying, hundreds of faction thugs were scattered in heaps over the stone tiers.
Lanargh's famous five hills then appeared, one after another, lined with pale stone tiers, clanholds, and gardens, stretching for kilometers along the bay and into green-flanked mountainsides.
Ahead, cliffs rose like a wall against the sky, lofty stone tiers encased in crystalline sheets of ice.
Leri all but bounced off the stone tier.
Impressive stone tiers stood before us on both sides of the road, the pair of them surmounted with an ornate arch deeply graven with a noble coat of arms.
In the last half meter, her confidence failed her, the invisible support simply ceased to be, and she fell heavily, twisting her ankle as she hit the edge of the stone tier and managing to keep from falling off only by grabbing Silenus's knee.
Chapter 8 Dr. Janos Tyl sat on one of the sun-warmed stone tiers that sloped back in semicircles from the ancient flagstones forming the stage of the small Greek theatre at the eastern end of Kalivari.
As they reached the upper rim of the amphitheatre and stood looking down the central aisle between the stone tiers, Willie noted that almost the whole population of the island seemed to be here, scattered around the seats.
At the point where the stone tiers gave way to the flags of the stage, Tyl halted Willie with a touch on his arm.