The last stones of the royal hall toppled, and Liri was a ruin.
While he cannot see directly beyond the stone wall, even though several stones have toppled out of the top row and down next to the wall, he knows that behind the remaining stones are tree gardens.
Its purpose seemed more to keep the goats in rather than to keep anyone out, and in one or two places the stones had toppled over, dropping the wall height to not much more than a foot or so.
The last curved and pointed stones toppled from their moorings, and, for the second day in a row, a new star burned over Westgate.
It seemed probable that the charge from the shotgun had jarred it loose, but it was odd that the stone hadn't toppled farther.
Let the hills rock and the stones topple upon my enemies!
The stones that still stood upright toppled into it and were swallowed.
With each successive tremblor, more stones toppled from the towers and walls, some of them crashing downhill toward the River Sarron, but most into the city.
A flung stone toppled a goblin backward into the dark cut he had just left.
With a crash the stone toppled outward, and the Warder and his horse were carried by their momentum through the smoky shimmer of a Waygate.