Yet for every eye that slid away from the stone-faced man, another beamed on him approvingly.
Then the stone-faced men moved off and stood behind a partition, their gaze fixed on the crowd and departure area.
I passed through an X-ray scan into a large, dim room thronged with stone-faced men and women.
We walked past scores of stone-faced men, enduring a gauntlet of cold, radar stares.
Then a stone-faced man in gray said simply, "Kill them."
The stone-faced man had called the turn.
Finally a tall stone-faced man entered the room.
Calmly, she regarded the five stone-faced men who could channel, which should have been enough to make any Aes Sedai flinch.
It soon becomes apparent that the stone-faced man is an ancient warlord who needs the golden buckle to regain his malevolent power.
I slide past stone-faced men with earpieces and ask the president how it's going.