Others live inside stony corals, and may become pathogenic if the coral is stressed by rising sea temperatures.
Pocillopora inflata is a species of stony coral in the family Pocilloporidae.
Astreopora is a genus of stony corals in the Acroporidae family.
Acropora cytherea is a stony coral which forms horizontal table like structures.
Acropora palifera is a species of stony coral in the family Acroporidae.
At least one species found in the Caribbean is known to form a symbiotic relationship with stony coral.
Meandrina is a genus of colonial stony coral in the family Meandrinidae.
In a few stony corals, this is the primary method of feeding, and the tentacles are reduced or absent.
The evolutionary relationships among stony corals were first examined in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Colpophyllia is a genus of stony corals in the Faviidae family.