The little, stoop-shouldered man who had admitted him quickly closed and locked the door.
A slender, stoop-shouldered man stood up in the back of the hall.
The door opened and a tall, stoop-shouldered old man came in.
The stoop-shouldered man stopped by the window of a little office.
He was a stoop-shouldered man who seemed of some importance, the way the others made room for him.
Before anyone could make a move, a stoop-shouldered man came wild-eyed into the room.
The moment that he had heard the shot, the stoop-shouldered man understood.
He was a stoop-shouldered man in his 40's with a weathered face.
He looked up to see a slender, stoop-shouldered man at the door.
A tall, stoop-shouldered man with white hair showed himself at a balcony on the second floor.