The stooped old woman glanced down at Richard.
There were two elderly twin sisters, an old man with a goiter, a stooped woman with crutches.
The door rattled open and a stooped, elderly woman came in.
He saw stooped women, babies slung in pouches across their shoulders, bending to pick the crops.
The stooped old woman peered up suspiciously at the young man standing next to Gretchen.
Reaching behind her, she drew a stooped, older woman into his sight.
It belonged to a stooped old woman carrying a fishnet bag full of vegetables.
But just as she reached the gate, a stooped, elderly woman came toddling out the front door.
His grandmother, Tsune Orita, a stooped woman of 87 who lives with the family, looked a bit embarrassed.
The stooped woman cleared her throat and considered the beautiful Elasian.