They stopped at certain locations to preach about "death, judgment, the vanity of the world, and the good fruit of repentance."
On an open toll system, all vehicles stop at various locations along the highway to pay a toll.
The museum's B-17 is flown around the country and stops at various locations to give extra lectures on the rare plane.
Stops at locations used in the movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.
Bus: There is a free city bus which stops at the college and various other notable locations around the city.
The Java Bus stops daily at locations like the Fox television lot.
The train stops at several locations to entertain the locals and thank them for their support of the train.
The wagons would stop at key locations where the scene of each wagon would then begin.
It primarily depicts a man travelling in an elevator, stopping at several locations throughout the video.
Often the donkey would stop at certain locations and make loud noises so that the people inside would come out to make their donations.